Thursday, 28 February 2019


1.      Cost.
-          Too expensive especially the modern digital programmable.
-          Consider the gain from getting one (quality of life) against the cost of hearing aid.
-          Technology is improving at high cost to the consumer.
-          Remember “cheap can be very expensive in the long run”! Used hearing aids do more harm in young children.

2.      No qualified Professional Services.
-          On top of losing the critical window of speech and language development, they reject hearing aids of low quality and poor fit never to give a second chance!
-          Make sure your diagnosis has been accurately made by a qualified audiologist or a health professional supervised by an experienced audiologist.
-          Ensure hearing fitting is done by or under an experienced audiologist especially in a child.
-          You may demand to see the clinician qualifications

3.      Hearing aids ate too delicate.
-          Hearing aids like other electronics do break down easily.
-          People with hearing loss require high performing hearing aids for best results.
-          Do not accept to be fitted with a second hand hearing aid unless there is a manufacturer’s endorsement of its performance.
-          Each new hearing aid carries a manufacturer’s warranty for a year in case of nonperformance due to a factory fault.
-          Learn how to troubleshoot and maintain your hearing aids.
-          Get it serviced at your health care service provider.

4.      Bad report or experience about hearing aids.
-          Learn from those telling you of bad experience. However do not stop there. Give yourself a try as they did. After all you are not there and you might perform better.
-          It is known that people with “bad” experience draw comfort and strength from others with “bad” experience. This is paradoxical.

5.      Fear of the unknown.
-          Many people with problem even beyond hearing loss live in this “valley of Indecision”.
-          Connect with positive users of hearing aids and contact hearing health professionals for balanced opinion.

6.      Negative image projection.
-          Visible hearing aids e.g. behind the ear call for some attention.
-          Miniaturized behind the ear hearing aids intend to reduce visibility.
-          Even further the In The Ear reduces this and the completely In The Canal (CIC) hearing aids works out the miracle of concealment! 
-          It is with notice that mild and moderate hearing impairment can be addresses by the invisible and not so visible hearing aids.
-          The moderate and severe hearing loss require the larger and more visible hearing aids (BTE) so as to be more effective.
-          Young children should be provided with behind the ear so as to monitor performance.
-          It in a dilemma between image and impact of hearing loss, work out real losses to hearing impairment against potential gain due to use of a behind the ear hearing aid.(communication book-balancing), ther DECIDE.



            (PALMER AND Mormer 1989)
0-28 days:        Child startles to loud sound.
                        Pays attention to voice and music
                        Parent’s voice quietness child

1-4 months:     Looks for the source of sound.
                        Enjoys parent’s voice.
                        Pays attention to objects that generate noise.
                        Can imitate sounds e.g. “aa” “ee” “oo”

4- 8 months:    Can shake objects to make sounds.
                        Can respond to simple words e.g. “bye, bye”
                        Learning to recognize own name.
                        Plays with objects that makes noise.
                        Enjoys music etc.

8-12 months:   Pays attention to the television set.
                        Identifies the source of a sound or voice.
                        Understands “NO” and responds.
                        Enjoys songs and games where voice is used.
                        Respond to verbalized games e.g. see, wow!

1 year:             Dances to music.
                        Answers to name call.
                        Pays attention to book.

2 years:           Listens on phone, listen to story in a group; dances to music

3 years:           Can talk and listen on phone.
                        Follow and sings with music.
                        Can follow recorded voice message.
                        Pays attention to verbal warnings.


Hearing helps you:
1.      To understand what others are saying.
2.      Awareness to knowing where you are.
3.      To sense possibility of danger.
4.      In developing speech and language (babies and infants)
5.      To effectively interact (socialize with people).
6.      To perform better in school, at work etc.
7.      To be calm that the “world is still safe” stay connected to the world.

Hearing Loss
A.     In children
1.      Reduces or removes the opportunity to develop speech and language.
2.      Reduces academic (school) performance a school child
3.      Reduces interaction with peers.
4.      Denies the child opportunity to develop his/her potential to the fullest.

B.      Adults
1.      Reduced ability to participate in discussion
2.      Reduced job opportunities
3.      Difficult social interactions.
4.      Social isolation especially family.
5.      Loss of opportunity to develop a career of choice.
6.      Social stigma (too old, dumb etc.)
7.      Early loss of memory (dementia)
8.      Psychosocial disturbances e.g. stress, depression etc.
9.      Poor or no connection to the outside world.

Good hearing helps to improve quality of life.
Day to day challenges of people with hearing loss.
1.      Participating in group discussions.
2.      Lectures and presentations and classroom teaching.
3.      Religious services, concert, movies etc.
4.      Watching TV, listening to radio.
5.      Talking on phone.
6.      Knowing which direction sounds are coming from.
7.      Interpreting sound warnings correctly e.g. fire alarms.
8.      Fatigue and headaches.



1.      Do not know.
§  Young children may be labelled “naughty, disobedient; hears when he wants” etc.
§  Children may respond to speech sounds but yet miss important parts of speech e.g. words with /S/CH/

2.      Denial
§  Blaming others for “moving their lips” without producing sound.

§  Age phobia
§  Loss of opportunities if hearing loss is confirmed

3.      Underestimation of hearing loss
§  Hearing loss often develops gradually, may do adjust slow
§  The “lesser evil” choice – coping with some hearing loss rather than label of “incompetence or social stigma.

4.      Wrong advice from health professionals
§  Hearing with one ear is okay. You are even lucky!

5.      Others “experienced in coping” with hearing loss while not using devices

When detected early can be treated in some conditions (those affecting the outer and middle part of the ear).
Those affecting the inner ear and nerves are managed using hearing devices (hearing aids).
The hearing aids make sounds louder and clearer so that a person hears others speaking almost as clearly as hearing people.
Children fitted with hearing aids beyond one year after birth are able to hear and thereafter learn speech and language!
Hearing aids are electronic devices made of technology that enables the person to effectively use the hearing that is still remaining however small.
Modern (digital) hearing aids have high technology to help children and adults.
Hearing aids require to be taken good care e.g. no contact with water (remove while bathing; while sleeping etc.).
Keep hearing aids clean and dry.
Learn how to put the battery and remove, how to manage switches on hearing aids and tubings.



“I think so”
“May be”
“Yes, why not?”
Do not take chances about good hearing in your child.
Hearing impairment in early child wood is the commonest cause for failure of a child to develop language.
Hearing screening test at the earliest age helps you to know if your child’s hearing is likely to be reduced.
Take your child to a clinic or audiology centre where a hearing screening test can be done.
Most Gertrude’s Satellite Clinics carry out hearing screening in the “well baby clinics”.
If you suspect your child is not hearing well, book an appointment to the Gertrude’s Paediatric Audiology Centre, Muthaiga.