helps you:
1. To understand what others are saying.
2. Awareness to knowing where you are.
3. To sense possibility of danger.
4. In developing speech and language
(babies and infants)
5. To effectively interact (socialize
with people).
6. To perform better in school, at work
7. To be calm that the “world is still
safe” stay connected to the world.
Hearing Loss
In children
1. Reduces or removes the opportunity to
develop speech and language.
2. Reduces academic (school) performance
a school child
3. Reduces interaction with peers.
4. Denies the child opportunity to
develop his/her potential to the fullest.
1. Reduced ability to participate in
2. Reduced job opportunities
3. Difficult social interactions.
4. Social isolation especially family.
5. Loss of opportunity to develop a
career of choice.
6. Social stigma (too old, dumb etc.)
7. Early loss of memory (dementia)
8. Psychosocial disturbances e.g.
stress, depression etc.
9. Poor or no connection to the outside
Good hearing
helps to improve quality of life.
Day to day
challenges of people with hearing loss.
1. Participating in group discussions.
2. Lectures and presentations and
classroom teaching.
3. Religious services, concert, movies
4. Watching TV, listening to radio.
5. Talking on phone.
6. Knowing which direction sounds are
coming from.
7. Interpreting sound warnings correctly
e.g. fire alarms.
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