Thursday, 28 February 2019


1.      Cost.
-          Too expensive especially the modern digital programmable.
-          Consider the gain from getting one (quality of life) against the cost of hearing aid.
-          Technology is improving at high cost to the consumer.
-          Remember “cheap can be very expensive in the long run”! Used hearing aids do more harm in young children.

2.      No qualified Professional Services.
-          On top of losing the critical window of speech and language development, they reject hearing aids of low quality and poor fit never to give a second chance!
-          Make sure your diagnosis has been accurately made by a qualified audiologist or a health professional supervised by an experienced audiologist.
-          Ensure hearing fitting is done by or under an experienced audiologist especially in a child.
-          You may demand to see the clinician qualifications

3.      Hearing aids ate too delicate.
-          Hearing aids like other electronics do break down easily.
-          People with hearing loss require high performing hearing aids for best results.
-          Do not accept to be fitted with a second hand hearing aid unless there is a manufacturer’s endorsement of its performance.
-          Each new hearing aid carries a manufacturer’s warranty for a year in case of nonperformance due to a factory fault.
-          Learn how to troubleshoot and maintain your hearing aids.
-          Get it serviced at your health care service provider.

4.      Bad report or experience about hearing aids.
-          Learn from those telling you of bad experience. However do not stop there. Give yourself a try as they did. After all you are not there and you might perform better.
-          It is known that people with “bad” experience draw comfort and strength from others with “bad” experience. This is paradoxical.

5.      Fear of the unknown.
-          Many people with problem even beyond hearing loss live in this “valley of Indecision”.
-          Connect with positive users of hearing aids and contact hearing health professionals for balanced opinion.

6.      Negative image projection.
-          Visible hearing aids e.g. behind the ear call for some attention.
-          Miniaturized behind the ear hearing aids intend to reduce visibility.
-          Even further the In The Ear reduces this and the completely In The Canal (CIC) hearing aids works out the miracle of concealment! 
-          It is with notice that mild and moderate hearing impairment can be addresses by the invisible and not so visible hearing aids.
-          The moderate and severe hearing loss require the larger and more visible hearing aids (BTE) so as to be more effective.
-          Young children should be provided with behind the ear so as to monitor performance.
-          It in a dilemma between image and impact of hearing loss, work out real losses to hearing impairment against potential gain due to use of a behind the ear hearing aid.(communication book-balancing), ther DECIDE.

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