1. Conductive Hearing Loss
Hearing loss resulting from damage inefficiency or disease in the outer and middle ear. Sounds entering into the ear are not well conducted due to disease, damage e.g. injury to the ear by a blow or slap, accidents etc or inefficiency including obstruction e.g. by wax, resulting in a person not hearing well. Ear infection in young children is the most commonest cause while excessive wax, ear injuries including noise are among the causes in adults. The problem can be rectified by medical treatment or operation. Such cases need immediate referral for medical management. When the voice is sufficiently raised the person hears speech.
2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss that results from the inner ear damage and the nerves that pass information about hearing to the brain. It is permanent in nature and medical treatment does not correct it. Hearing Aids and helping the person to develop hearing communication skills is helpful. The person is unable to hear soft or even loud sounds in severe cases. It also affects the ability to hear speech clearly and understand it. When the voice is raised, speech may become difficult to understand. The hearing loss can range from slight to profound. Most common cause include diseases e.g.
- Meningitis,
- Drugs which damage the ear e.g. Anti Tb treatment,
- Some malaria treatment
- Some medicines taken by the mothers during pregnancy including alcohol;
- Inherited genetic conditions (Deafness observed in the family tree)
- Injuries of the head; Ear infections
- Infections at birth and there after
- Lack of oxygen at birth as in difficult labour
- Premature birth
- Severe Jaundice in a new born
- Aging
- Noise
3. Mixed Hearing Loss
Hearing loss where there are elements ob both conductive an sensorineural hearing loss. The problem affects the sound conducting organs, sound analysis and the nerve pathways to the brain. Medical treatment and hearing Aids in combination or hearing aids alone may be the preferred management. Th e cause for the hearing loss must be fully established before commencing management. www.superacoustics.kbo.co.ke